
| 新华



During the Days of Military Training The day we were looking forward to came at last----a week's military training began. During the training, each of us did his part in earnest. We drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time. In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldn't wipe it off. Olny three days later our faces were tanned.We felt happy and proud of it . Our platoon officer was a young PLA man, about twenty years old. He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with him, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs. The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. We'll never forget it.


军训还在如火如荼的进行着。每一位被训练的同学都承受着苦、忍受着痛,却不知在烈日下有这么几个人,他们没有喝多少水却不辞辛苦,双手提着暖壶穿梭在水房与队伍之间;每一位经过训练场的路人,都在感叹学生军们的不易,却不曾注意有这么几个人,他们或多或少有着伤痛,却依旧在烈日下忙碌着不曾停歇。我不知道他们都叫什么名字只知道他们被作后勤兵。 经管三营的后勤兵们是由身体有伤病的学生组成,他们来自不同专业不同班级,因为身体原因无法参加军训而不得不成为一名后勤兵。而整个军训过程中我们能看到的是训练场处处有他们的身影,他们在受命后任劳任怨,默默付出。 当战士们训练后大汗淋漓口干舌燥时,他们会发现不知何时自己的水杯早已填满了水;当某个战士在站军姿时突然晕倒时,不知不觉就会有那么几个并不熟悉的人,关切的询问,迅速递上矿泉水,他们就是后勤兵。 后勤兵,他们不曾参见任何一个队伍的训练,却从未离开过我们的队伍。 还记得那天,气温虽不是最高的天气却是最闷热的,战士们需要喝大量的水,后勤兵们一趟一趟的倒水,但烧水器烧水的速度却赶不上所有战士们喝水的速度,战士们开始烦躁和抱怨,教官劝导我们克服恶劣环境,我们不得不在酷热中苦苦坚持。这时,我看到两位后勤兵抬着一箱冰镇的矿泉水向我们走来,他们放下水

后,羞涩的说:我们身上就带了这些钱,希望大家匀匀喝吧!那一刻,我眼前一片湿润,你不会理解一个深陷混沌的人感受到关怀时,那种从心底最深处涌上感动,哪怕那混沌也许不值一提,哪怕那关怀只是几瓶水,这种感觉就好像一个迷失在沙漠中的人获救后,感动的并不是送水人给的那壶水而是送水人眼神里的那句:兄弟加油。我看着他们渐行渐远的背影,想道一声谢,却不知他们的名字,于是我急切的喊了声:同学谢谢。在我的呼唤声中,他们回头一笑,随即转身离去,而他们的笑容却在我心里久久不去,我无法深究他们笑容里到底都包含了什么,但我坚信那笑容里至少有一种情感,那便是付出后被认同的喜悦。是啊,他们因为身体原因无法军训,每一次路过训练队伍时,那种渴求羡慕的眼神分明写满无奈,他们同样期待着大学里别样的体验,希望得到别人的认同。他们也希望能和同学们在一起,一起训练、一起游戏;他们也渴望站的笔直,在阳光下投射出自己直挺的身影,也渴望在起步走时,大步向前走出男儿的豪情,也想加入拉歌的队伍,酣畅淋漓的唱上几首军歌。 这就是我们的后勤兵,十几个热情的孩子面对选择时,稚嫩的书写着他们的誓言,我们不能用他们倒满的水杯的数量来衡量他们的付出,也不能用他们一天奔波的时间来计算他们的奉献。 整齐划一的军事训练似乎使我忘记了去使用那些华丽辞藻,面对着经管三营朴实的后勤兵们我只想深深的道一声:谢谢

你,战友。而我们能践行谢意的方式也仅仅时敞开心扉,用我们最热情的姿态用心接纳他们——我们的战友! 后勤兵在我们心中早已不是局外人,而是我们的战友、我们的兄弟。你会看到接受服务后战士们真诚的致谢,也会看到汗水映射下他们灿烂的微笑。渐渐的后勤兵们早已走进我们的队伍,他们会在工作之余,在队伍旁认真的看着我们训练,也会在我们的成功送上队伍外的最真诚的掌声。他们也会羞涩的接受我们的邀请在拉歌时加入尖叫的行列。 亲爱的后勤兵战友们欢迎回家,大家一起,日落西山红霞飞,预备唱!






Military Training

In our country, when we go to middle school, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don’t have to in daily life. And the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students’ strong will power. It’s useful to the life of students. Therefore, it’s necessary to student.





Military training is not only an exercise in behavior, but also a deepening of spirit and thought. The sun was shining, and every day it began. The exhaustion of the day made me realize that there was another life outside the cool air conditioner. Let me find out how warm the house is full of reproaches; Let me find out that I am still very young. The soaking of sweat requires patience, the baking of the hot sun requires patience, and sometimes the absence of hunger requires patience. It seems that everything has to be endured. In this unwitting force, latent strength gradually was dug out. In the last few days, almost everyone can finish the day's training with a smiling face.

There are a lot of people in the military training that we can thank. We want to thank the instructor, we are sweating, the instructor is more sweating than we are. We work hard, our instructors are harder than we are. It was they who let us see a real soldier, and I could remember the voice of the instructor in my ears. On the last day, maybe it was time. We couldn't say goodbye to the instructors. Here I will let the wind carry our thanks for us, and I am sure that the voice will fly to them like dandelion.

The first lesson of college -- military training -- is almost over. Looking back on these days, I feel a lot of emotion. "Bao jianfeng from honing, plum blossom fragrant to come out bitter cold" is the experience of military training. "The force of thousands of hard blows, the north of the south" is the result of military training. The sense of military training needs to be understood. It teaches us the care of others. It deepens our understanding of the responsibility to defend our motherland. It tells us the attitude to face difficulties. We are, at the very least, I am no longer a little child, no longer a little girl to cry, I know that in the face of the rush, we have to build our own stairway; When we meet the cliff, we will link the rope ourselves. Our destiny is in our own hands, just to see whether to grasp!

"Water dripping wears, the rope sawing wood broken" small force once accumulated, the power that produces is matchless! When others enjoy the joy of perseverance, you must not be the epitome of failure. Who laughs last, who is the ultimate winner; Who persists to the end, who is the true hero, who is the stronger who conquers himself.














